Exhibitions > alterNOTION + alterNATION

WePawns to MOROwLand
WePawns to MOROwLand
Mixed media, acrylic on canvas
67 x 77 inches

The real “Weapons of Moroland” is a plaque containing miniature models of weapons used by warriors from the indigenous peoples of Mindanao. It is commonly sold as a souvenir item in gift shops.

This version still retains the crest of the Coat of Arms of the Philippines, but instead of the usual indigenous weapons, modern firearms with “Tagalized” names are displayed.

Mindanao is the land of promise (toMOROwland) but decades of armed struggle have derailed progress. “WePawns” is a play of words alluding to issues of sovereignty, allegations of weapons being pawned or sold between government forces and insurgents, and of soldiers/rebels being pawns to higher forces.